The Northern Lights City Alta is Finnmark's largest city. It is a modern city with everything you need for service: hotels, places to eat, shops, cultural events and experiences. Both Norwegian and SAS offer direct flights from Oslo to Alta, so the good experiences are only a few hours away!

Rock art and safari

The history of Alta ranges from the more than 7,000-year-old rock carvings at the Alta Museum to the struggle for Sami rights in the Altas case in the 1980s. The scenery around Alta is varied and magnificent from Northern Europe's largest canyon, Sautso, to endless tundra on the Finnmarksvidda. Both history and nature can be experienced both summer and winter with local guides taking you on everything from snowmobile safaris, snowshoe tours and guided bus tours.

Winter's most beautiful adventure

Winter's most beautiful adventure, Finnmarksløpet, starts from Alta every year in March and is a popular party and experience for visitors. Dog-interested guests can visit local dog farms throughout the year and even try to run their own dog team in the winter.


The Northern Lights town of Alta is blessed with a good climate, where it lies deep within the beautiful Altafjord. In winter, temperatures can drop below minus 30, but the dry climate makes the cold a part of the experience. The light and darkness of the north is fascinating with the Arctic winter light and the northern lights. In summer, the midnight sun shines and temperatures are often above 20 degrees. The contrast between the exotic darkness and the long sunny summer nights cannot be described, it must be experienced.


For those of you who want to take the company on a tour, there are local suppliers who specialize in delivering exciting experiences with Finnmark's nature as a framework. Just nature makes Alta perfect for experiences outside the conference room.



Storengveien 21, N - 9515 Alta
Tel: (0047) 482 04 440

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